Mastering the Pro in Proposals - Manor on High


Mastering the Pro in Proposals

Defining the concept of love isn’t easy. While some believe that all you really need is love, there are some others who believe love is temporary insanity curable by marriage. If you thought love and its definitions are hard to crack, chances are that you have probably not even thought about wedding proposals yet. While we can’t do your job of proposing to your special person, we can instead suggest a few recommendations for that perfect proposal –

Look Before You Leap

While practicality is the last thing in the world we want to associate with the idea of love, let’s all agree that it’s a little different in the case of a wedding proposal. Sure, you can sometimes have that tingling feeling that he/she is the one, way before you decide to pop the question. But, it is equally important to make sure that you have a conversation with your special someone about a future together as well as discuss all the other heavyweight life decisions both of you will have to take, both together and separately. A good conversation can help both of you respect each other’s plans and beliefs while planning your future together in the best way possible.

The Ring 

 We cannot stress enough just how important it is to pick the perfect ring, especially considering how this may just be the first time a lion’s share of men make their shopping debuts at a jewelry store. Step one, set your budget, based on how grand the forthcoming proposal is going to be. Once you have that in mind, make sure you know or find out what your (clearly) better half’s ring size is. If you’re after a diamond ring, be sure to keep in mind its cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Not to forget the different shapes available, like princess, pear, oval, round and heart, to name a few. Hold on, before you get carried away with the expensive idea of a diamond ring, we’d like to remind you that you can look at more affordable and thoughtful alternatives- for instance, rings based on your partner’s birthstones.

Venue…Know It, You…Know It

The perfect wedding proposal will be ideally remembered by you and your special someone for eternity, as long as you choose the right venue for that moment of a lifetime. Now this can be something as simple as the first ever place you went out on a date. Yes, nostalgia can be your best friend while picking where you want to propose. Wanderlusts? Turning your next getaway into on occasion to mark the beginning of another journey together, is never a bad idea. Remember, the element of surprise is key, wherever you plan to propose- Even if you’re in the middle of a crowded mall or at home, all cuddled up to watch your favourite movie.

Channeling Your Inner Wordsworth

Your words can make or break your proposal. While you may have reminded each other on a million occasions about why and how much you love each other, it’s probably never enough- just like love itself. Invoke your inner poet and be your eloquent best. Here again, you can always turn to nostalgia to time travel back to all the moments you have shared together and why you want to get married. While bending down on one knee can probably ache a little eventually, looking up at your better half blush, smile and tear up over what you have to say, will pretty much heal it all.

Break the Ice

Wedding proposals are crazy emotional roller-coasters for both parties involved, for obvious reasons. So, it is equally important to make sure that our emotions don’t get the better of us. Pre-plan a celebration to follow up your successful wedding proposal. Pop that champagne bottle open while the two of you let the moment sink in. Of course, you can always have close family and friends to partake in the celebration and joy. While a marriage proposal is probably a sign of getting a little older, remember that the night is always young. So, don’t hold back while making restaurant reservations to follow up your proposal to ring the celebrations into the night.

Practice makes perfect

Lastly, always remember that practice makes perfect, even if it means privately embarrassing yourself while going through different versions of your proposal plans. Think of it as one of your life’s grandest movie or play and rehearse as much as you can. After all, there are a few things in your life which is going to epitomize love as much as your wedding proposal.


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